We toiled over the packaging we chose to bring our product to you in!
We had many options but decided on a resealable bag that is not recyclable for these reasons:
- The options for recyclable bags are not even recyclable in Nova Scotia (and also very few options to recycle in Canada overall). This felt very frustrating to learn as we want to bring the best options to this otherwise well sourced organic, real food product.
- The options for Post Consumer Recycled plastic take more energy (and chemicals) to produce and are very expensive to manufacture. This felt like the lesser of two evils but still didn’t come out on top for us. This product is not using your used water bottles as materials, this is new, industrial manufacturing cuts that are put back into production but now with the added chemicals to break down and meld together and re-bleach or colour for new bags.
- Our choice to go plastic from glass was a difficult one and because of the Global Glass Shortage during the last few years, it became apparent that we could make a bigger environmental impact by choosing a packaging solution that, (while at first seemed wrong), would help with significant reduction of raw materials and energy consumption compared to rigid packaging. This meant: less transport emissions, less glass breakage, and no plastic labels or big plastic flip top caps needed.
- We paired up with a local company (Maritime Labels & Packaging) to help us design the best option for our product, which will bring you the freshest product, with a resealable top that hopefully you can come up with many reasons to reuse!
We appreciate you & your support 🙂
Yours in health!
Teresa & The Good Parma Crew